Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 31, 2015

Another Beautiful Day... 75 degrees and Mostly Sunny...

Planted some Purple Tree Collards is Morning.

Spent a little time gardening and sometime cleaning the house, Gardening is a lot more fun…

The Strawberries look amazing for being planted yesterday most are starting to leaf out.

Tired, sore, but happy to be alive…

Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015

The Plan was to spend the day cleaning the house…when I went outside and everything changed!

A Beautiful day, it’s in the 60s and not a cloud in the sky…so off to the Home Improvement Center to get more potting soil.

I got to work and got the strawberries planted…

The Blackberries are starting to leaf out…oh yea!

My back has had enough for today, so house cleaning will have to wait, oh well…tomorrow another day.

Another Day Here In The Ozarks...

Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 29, 2015 Mk II

Some people pay a lot of money for wheat grass, it's growing like weeds from my straw bales… Chicken Food!

March 29, 2015 - Catching up "a Little"

Found out this morning that not all of my friends do Facebook and wonder why I haven't been updating my blog... I'm just Lazy!

Will Try to do better...

March 16, 2015

74 and Sunny...
Planted some taters today...
Still conditioning the straw bales for the bale garden...

March 20, 2015

Got some Mary Washington Asparagus Planted...
These are 2 year old bulbs I picked up at the Home Center.

The Trees arrived this morning!!!

Perfect timing the next couple of days in highs in the 70s.
Now who wants to help plant them? lol well I know what I'll be doing anyway.
1 - KinderKrisp Dwarf Apple
1 - Gala Dwarf Apple
1 - Superior Dwarf Plum
1 - Intrepid Dwarf Peach
1 - Asian Dwarf Pear
1 - Bartlett Dwarf Pear
1 - Golden Delicious Dwarf Apple
1 - Blushingstar Dwarf Peach
1 - Bubblegum Dwarf Plum
1 - Starkrimson Sweet Dwarf Cherry
1 - Redhaven Dwarf Peach
1 - CanyCrisp Dwarf Apple
1 - Pennsylvania PawPaw
1 - Mango PawPaw
1 - Sunflower PawPaw
All were selected for this area...
Two down and a whole bunch to go...

March 21,2015
Planted 8 Prime-Ark® Freedom Thornless Blackberry plants and 5 more trees today. 
Found this cool flower this morning too.
There was a large flock of several hundred geese flying over honking and heading north, pretty neat! photo from cell phone, no zoom.

March 23, 2015
Got another order of trees and berries and grapes.

1 - Sweet Lavender Mulberry
1 - Shangri La Mulberry
1 - All-In-One Almond
2 - Concord Grape
1 - Chandler Blueberry
1 - Sweetheart Blueberry
1 - Jubilee Blueberry
1 - O’Neal Blueberry
25 - Honeoye Strawberry Junebearer
25 - Ozark Beauty Strawberry Everbearer
25 - Sparkle Strawberry Junebearer

March 27, 2015

Third order is here.
1 - All-In-One Almond
1 - Starkrimson Sweet Cherry Dwarf
2 - Orange Quince Dwarf

All have been planted except the strawberries, need some more planting mix…

 My Life here in the Ozarks...


Tuesday, March 3, 2015


"Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have." - Joyce Meyer

Have been working on the woodworking bench project and have it ready for final assembly and finishing, but I will move it out to the garage first, after I make room for it…

I'm thinking that I may build some drawers to install on the lower level to store supplies and tools, but it will be something to do later if I get a round to it.

The Chickens have been giving me an average of three eggs a day, more than enough for me... I have been told that they lay less when it's cold so may get more when it warms up, time will tell...

 Another Day Here In The Ozarks...