Friday, June 26, 2015

June 26, 2015 - Fun day on the Range

The Weather Channel forecast was for Thunderstorms for our area beginning at 2am and continuing through out the day, so what do we do? Load up the truck and head for the outdoor shooting range…makes sense to me. We got to the range around 8am and had the range to ourselves for most of the 4 plus hours we spent there. We had a good time testing some new to us ammo and gear at the 50 yard range and then moved over to 100 yards and spent the rest of the time trying to improve our skills. 

On the way home it did rain, pretty heavy at times but we done did have us some fun first… 

If I remember correctly these were at 22lr 50 yards groups, not too impressive.

This was at 100 yards, my best 22lr sub-moa group of the day...

A couple of my 22lr 5 shot sub-moa groups at 100 yards.

My best .223 100 yard group of the day.

We did a trigger job on Dustin's rifle and added a bipod and these are some of his sub-moa groups today,Good Shooting Son.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 25, 2015 - Backhoe Day

Today I became the owner of a new ride, My Rat Rod Backhoe… She’s old and worn and not too pretty but still has a lot of life in her… Yesterday I worked out a deal with the owner and this afternoon he delivered it right to my home. I running out excuses for not working on the 37 acres… guess I have to get busy. 

She is an old diesel powered Ford, not sure what year as the previous owner didn’t know but guessed it was from the late 60s or early 70s… I really don’t care as long as it works, and it was in my price range. The engine was replaced about 3 years ago and a few of the hoses look as if they had been replaced. 

Life Is Good!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

June 24, 2015 - Bass Pro kind of day.

Dustin and I went on a trip today to look at a backhoe that was North West of Springfield, driving by on the way and through the big city (Springfield [population 165,000] not that big by California standards but I'm not in California anymore) made me appreciate even more the small town (population 2,177) that I live in… Well we had to stop at Bass Pro Shop (it's the law) and check it out… believe it or not neither one of us bought a thing. They didn't have any 22lr ammo for sale in store, oh well…

Putting 250 miles on the truck and taking over 8 hours to get home  this is by far the longest trip I've made in the last year…

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day 2015

Dustin and I went shooting this morning and had a great time.

My best Three Shoot Group of the day right at 1/2 inch at 100 yds. CCI Standard Velocity Target 22LR. I am Very Happy with this group, had a few group that were close to this until the wind picked up and these little 22 bullets just can't fight the wind, oh well still had a good time trying...

Then went to Dustin's for a late lunch, good food, good time with family, equals a Good Day...

Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 18, 2015 - First time on this beautiful range.

Dustin and I had been talking about going shooting and I had read about the Missouri Conservation Department having Shooting ranges through out the state, one of them is about 20 miles from here in the Gist Ranch Conservation Area so we decided to go and check it out. The GPS got us to the area but we didn't see any signs pointing the way to the range and no one was around so we spent a couple of hours exploring the Gist Ranch and found some nice camp sights. We finally ran into a Missouri Conservation Department employee that mows the grass and asked him were the shooting range was, we followed his directions and still didn't find it. I looked on Google Earth and got a view of were it was and we drove on over to the range. 

Two things surprised me; the first was how nice and maintained the range was and the second was no one else was there. There is a short pistol range, a 25 yard, a 50 yard, a 100 yard, and a 300 yard range, they even had targets for sighting in your rifles… Welcome to Missouri!!! We had been back a couple of times and seen a few people but not many most of the time we have the whole place to ourselves. 

We started on the 25 yard range to sight in the rifles and make we were on paper.

Moved on to the 50 yard range and adjusted the scopes.

And on to the 100 yard range...

Dustin shooting his 30-06 at 100 yards.

I'm shooting my Savage MKII TR 22 long rifle, my Ruger 10/22 in the foreground both have 3x9 power scopes. The Savage does not like the Federal Auto Match ammo we got from Walmart I was shooting 8 to 10" groups at 50 yards and I was really disappointed in the rifle, happen to some CCI standard velocity Target ammo which got the groups down close to an inch. At 100 yards shot several 5 shot groups right at   1-1/4"

10 shot group at 50 yards

One of Dustin's groups I don't know the details.

These are two 5 shot groups I shot at 100 yards...

Haven't tried the 300 yard range yet as I can hardly see the targets...
I would like to try some match ammo and see if I can get tighter groups and try a scope with more Magnification but that will have to be another day. 

Really enjoyed spending time with my son and shooting guns is fun too, the only thing that was hurt was some paper and maybe a little pride...

Friday, June 12, 2015

June 12, 2015 - One Year Later.

It has been a year since my best friend, son, grandson, and I pulled into my driveway after a long trip from California. I can not thank them enough… I have seen and done things here for the first time in my life. I have not had a bad day yet.!!! So Thankful To Be Here…

Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 7, 2015

Sitting here at the computer wasting time this morning and something catch my eye outside; there was a large doe trotting up the highway in no hurry, just taking her time… You never know what your going to see here.

Friday, June 5, 2015

June 5, 2015

I was working on a project this morning when I discovered that a tool that I needed to use had dead batteries so needing to go to town I decided to take a shower. Living by myself I usually don’t close the bathroom door, I’m in the shower and out of nowhere the shower curtain opens about a third of the length of the tub. Looking down there’s Abby pulling on the shower curtain, yelling at her I closed the curtain and laughed to myself. The whole thing happened again shortly after but this time I didn’t laugh. The third time the curtain opened almost all the way, and I yelled even loader. Upon finishing my shower without any more interruptions I opened the curtain myself and found that there was toilet paper pull from the far side of the bathroom all the across the bathroom out into the living room around the corner and half way across the living room, and there sat Abby chewing on the end with a wad in her mouth. I was able to keep from laughing out loud, barely! Anybody want a puppy?

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June 2, 2015

My Alarm going off...

Hitting the snooze button...

Dozing off again...

Alarm getting ready to go off again...

ALRIGHT I'm getting up...

I'm awake, look i'm moving my feet. I'm getting up.