Thursday, October 1, 2015

10-1-2015 - Happy October 1st

The temperature dropped so this morning the arthritis in my knees and back was giving me a lot of pain, I went out to read my water meter so I could send off the payment today. I got down on my knee to remove the meter cover and take the reading, everything was going good until I went to get up. I couldn't get back on my feet, knees just wouldn't work… I finally crawled over to the fence around the chicken coop and pulled myself upright, getting old sucks…lol. 

Got all the bills paid and ready to me mailed, I decided to go into town and pay my storage unit rent and drop the mail off at the post office. I was driving into town and the Missouri Highway Patrol had highway 137 and highway DD blocked off, they were doing a random driver license and proof of insurance check point. 

Just Another Day in the Ozarks.

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