Sunday, August 7, 2016

Forgiveness Day

Forgiveness Day

Date When Celebrated :
Global Forgiveness Day is held on August 27 th
International Forgiveness Day- the first Sunday of August

Forgiveness Day is a time to forgive and to be forgiven. It must be a pretty good thing, because there are two groups that lay claim to a Forgiveness Day in the month of August. Both are world or international events. There's enough trouble and strife in the world. Two forgiveness days can only help to make things better. We agree with the sponsors of this day, that a little more forgiveness will help to make the world a much better place.

Global Forgiveness Day began in 1994. It was created and is sponsored by the Christian Embassy of Christ's Ambassadors. This holiday originated in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

International Forgiveness Day was created by the World Forgiveness Alliance, a non-denominational, educational foundation. According to their website: " International Forgiveness Day dedicated to evoking the healing power of forgiveness worldwide." The founder is Robert W. Plath, from Mill Valley, California.

Do your part: Take a few moments to sincerely forgive someone. And, make it public. That way forgiveness will spread.

Source: Holiday Insights

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