Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12 2015 - Debbie's Birthday


"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results." - Willie Nelson

(Last Night) As I sit here watching TV their scrolling a list of schools that will be closed tomorrow, so I checked the forecast on my phone...Freezing Rain tonight... this should be interesting... 

Well it turned out to be no big deal, glad it wasn't too bad but a little disappointed that was one reason I moved here, for the weather good and bad, so far haven't had much bad… Maybe that's good? 

Well it has been too cold for me to work outside on my projects so I'm not getting anything done on them, waiting for warmer weather…

Made the trip into town to get a new battery for the Mini and got a real shock, batteries aren't as cheap as I remember them being… But got a battery, it's sitting in the back of the pickup waiting for it to warm up, too cold for me to go out unless it becomes a real need. 

Finally used a half of tank of gas in the pickup so I filled it up, the gas prices are nice…

That's about all that's going on here on the homestead...

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