Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Blazer update

When I picked up the Blazer Friday afternoon it was during a light rain, but I checked it out pretty good.
Saturday I was going to have the rig safety inspected and I noticed a big chip and crack in the windshield…
I know it was not there when I bought it because I checked all of the glass, in hind sight I do remember a gravel truck passing me on the way home and having had a bad experience with a gravel truck in the Mini I backed way off, I guess it wasn't enough. 

I took the Blazer in this morning to get a new windshield installed and I had the same guy do a safety inspection, then went to DMV and got the paper work taken care of and get new plates. (DMV is SO Much easier here than CA).

Everything got taken care of and I'm as legal as you get…It even Insured. 

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