Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Another Abby Story - We're Under Attack!

I'm sitting in the recliner watching TV and the dogs are both laying on the floor relaxing, a pretty typical evening. Abby is all stretched out about eight feet or so away from the front door. I have had this picture hanging above the front door for a couple of years and Abby's entire life, which she passes under several times a day on her way outside. Suddenly she jumps up and sits at attention for close to two minutes staring at this picture, I have totally lost focus on the TV program, wondering what she is thinking as her whole being is focused on this picture… all of a sudden she starts barking at this image as if the most frightening creature in the world was trying to attack us and she had to stop it… Which got Herc into the act, of course he had no idea what he was barking at but he was going to help protect the family.  I laughed so hard I started to cry. She didn't think that was funny at all, We're under attack, I finally got them to relax and we are all safe.

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