Saturday, July 9, 2016

Shot Time Abby

Today was the day for Abby to get her adult shot and a rabies shot, so she got a bath, which she thinks is play time. We got ready and headed off to the vet, I tried my hardest to get her calm and relaxed. As soon as the lady came out from around the counter she started playing with Abby and got her excited, it was full on play time...
They were both having a good time so who am I to rain on their parade. She was finally able to get her up on the table for the Vet to do her job and Abby calmed down a little. The exam went well and so did the first shot, the second one might have hit a nerve because Abby yelped and every one froze, except Abby. A couple of seconds and everything was fine again... The Vet was talking to me about Abby, and the assistant took her out into the lobby and they started playing again... "Kids"

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