Wednesday, September 9, 2015

9-9-2015 - Not everything is perfect in Paradise…

A few weeks ago I took the backhoe over to the 37 acres and started clearing the trail and removing a few trees that were in the way. After a hour or so the clutch stopped disengaging, thinking that it was a linkage problem ran home and got some tools. It's not a linkage problem…something inside, maybe a throw out bearing or fork (another project). Picked up a repair manual and looks like a big project.

A few weeks ago one of the hens got sick and went to chicken heaven. I have been letting the chickens free range I'm thinking that she may have eaten something she shouldn't have, but don't know for sure. Last week another hen did the same.

Monday the chickens were in my garden and the dogs were trying to knock the door down to get to them. I backed them up and opened the door a little so I could open the kennel, Herc jumped against the door pulling the handle out of my hand, he went charging out Abby right behind him. I was able to grab Abby and get her back into the house. By the time I got outside Herc was out of sight and didn't came back with me calling him. Searched but didn't find him. About 20 minutes later he came back to the front door wanting to come inside. I have not seen the rooster since, and being one who watched over the hens so well I have to believe that he is no longer with us. Don't know for sure what happened but I think Herc got him. One of the hens has taken over the leadership role of the flock, and has been watching out for the other hens. 

R.I.P. Rooster you will be missed.

The Garden has not done as well I hoped but some things grew well others not so much… The whole strawbale garden did not work for me, not sure if I did something wrong or if the strawbales were just the wrong kind of straw. Have no plans of trying that again. The raised beds are not high enough causing too much back pain so I haven't been caring for the garden as I should and the weeds are taking over.

The composter is slower than expected, the leaves don't seem to be breaking down at all. Not sure what to do with it but I'm thinking that the worms or chickens may be a better way to deal with leaves or maybe running them though a chipper would help speed the process up. 

But all that said I'm still happy with life I chose and wouldn't trade for anything.

Loving Life Here In The Ozarks...

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