Tuesday, November 17, 2015

11-17-2015 - Tornado Warning

I went to West Plains today and had lunch with my son, we stopped by his home to drop off some food as I sat in the truck waiting for him my phone started making noise with a ring tone that I didn't recognize and a voice saying that there was a tornado warning for this area and I should take shelter immediately...it repeated the message again, I started looking around and the wind was barely blowing so I didn't worry too much... As we pulled out of the driveway and the wind really picked up, we got to my house safe and sound. Turned the TV on to a local station, watched the reports of where the worst the storm was, they said that because of the heavy rain it would be really hard to see the tornado if one formed...shortly after the tornado warning was cancelled. Thankful that we made it though safe and sound...

Esme Torres

19 hrs ·

So I survived my first tornado! The sirens went off and I freaked out crying, grabed my dogs, blankets, water, my meds and of course a radio, i'm home sick for a week with a bad case of pneumonia, so going up and down the basement was a nightmare with this pneumonia, what a day! I hate pneumonia and tornado's!

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