Thursday, November 5, 2015

11-5-2015 - To West Plains in the rain...

My roommates needed some food and since neither one of them can drive I decided to go to West Plains this morning and get that chore out of the way.

It was drizzling this morning I thought not enough to get the umbrella being the car is only a few feet away…Was I WRONG! It was raining pretty hard in West Plains.

I hadn't eaten yet and as I was driving by Taco Bell and not having tried any of their breakfast menu I decided to give one of their Crunch Wraps a try, when it was my turn I ordered one and proceeded to drive up to the cashier.
The nice lady told me that today these are free, WHAT? … We are having a Breakfast Promotion and the Crunch Wraps are Free today only… Well Thank You Very Much. Nice Way to start my day.

After get the dog food I decided to pickup some groceries and dog treats at Wally World, This Is when I got really wet, oh well I'll dry out.

Found some seasonal treats for me too…

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