Saturday, November 7, 2015

11-7-2015 - Package Deal...

Shortly after I moved here I signed up with CenturyLink for Internet, Direct TV, and Home Phone... Was sold on the idea that it would be cheaper than getting the Internet and TV alone and I would get 3 months of the Premium Movie Channels and a year NFL Season Ticket for free…I cancelled the Movie Channels right away…
My bill has gone up pretty regularly since I've signed up. Then in August my bill went up another $43 dollars. So I called CenturyLink and spent too much of time finding out that Direct TV was charging me for NFL Season Ticket, which I didn't order, apparently they applied Auto Renew to my account. I waited on hold while the customer rep. from CenturyLink called Direct TV and at my request cancelled NFL Season Ticket. After several months of being charged for it, October 9th I called Direct TV myself and was told that they had no record of CenturyLink calling them about my account, so I asked them to cancel NFL Season Ticket, more time waiting on the phone, finally was told that it had been cancelled and I would receive an email confirming the change to my account.
November 4th - Got my new bill and I'm still being charged... Starting to get pissed!!!
Called Direct TV again and was told that it was too late to cancel NFL... I don't want to write what I said next and to be honest don't remember exactly what I said but I was transferred to another rep. who got on the phone with another rep. and got NFL Season Ticket cancelled, this time I got a email confirmation. Was told that they would refund 2 months charge $84. We'll see...
Before we ended the call the lady asked if there was any thing else she could help me with, thankfully I thought to ask if NFL Season Ticket was going to show up on account again next year, I was told that it would be Auto Renewed, unless I asked for the Auto Renew to be turned off... You already know what I asked her to do.
November 7th, Got a call from Direct TV this afternoon, because I'm such a good customer they want to give me a free trial of the Premium Movie Channels and NFL Season Ticket...
I think I surprised the nice lady at the amount of rudeness. No I didn't sign up...

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