Saturday, September 20, 2014

My Life in the Ozarks

This morning I took Herc out to do his business; it was so nice out that I just stood out at the end of the sidewalk and absorbed the moment. As I stood there I notices a woodpecker flying over and into one of the trees in my front yard, also heard a wild turkey in the woods across the highway along with other bird calls which I didn’t recognize. The morning was perfect until a chainsaw in the distance intruded on the quiet, shortly after someone started shooting a rifle getting ready for hunting season I assume. Played Frisbee with Herc for a while and worked in the garage for a while organizing stuff.

FedEx brought my electric heater today, rated to heat 1800 sq feet so it should work fine for my 935 sq foot house. I have order a portable generator which should be here next week, I should be ready for winter.

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