Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 23, 2014 - National Roots Day

"All your life you think 60 is ancient, and all of a sudden you find you’re 60 and you don’t really feel that different. I feel stronger and more engaged. This is the best time of my life." - Glenn Close

The weather has been cold, cloudy, and wet lately so I have been spending a lot of time indoors on the computer and in front of the TV…

I discovered a while back that some of the Kindle books that I had purchased over the years are available on audio books and if I already purchased them on Kindle that they were only $1.99. What a deal some one will read to me for several hours for 2 bucks! I'm sold and I set here at the computer listening to some of the books that I have enjoyed over the years…

The other day I was going to go to town so I got into the Mini with Herc only to find that the battery was dead, I didn't have to go so I postponed the trip and looked for one of the several battery post cleaners that I have, of course I could not locate any of them and added one to the list of things to pick up from town. I decided to put the charger on the battery anyway and didn't expect it to work very well, I was correct…

A day or so later I drove the truck into town and got the supplies I wanted including the battery post cleaner. When I got home cleaned the battery posts and hooked the charger up, several days later, I'm going to need a new battery :-(

As I think about the whole deal I realize that it will be important to have at least two vehicles as it’s too far and dangerous to walk to town. So it will be a priority to keep the vehicles in good running condition.

Got a couple of seed catalogs today in mail so I’ll spent some time on the garden plans, have been watching Youtube videos on permaculture again and planning and planting a food forest here and on the 37 acres or at least the beginnings of them.

I got some tree collards that I ordered from ebay and got them planted, the ones that I left outside didn't make it though the frost, lesson learned. Next fall I'll save some cuttings and keep them inside or in the greenhouse if I get it built by then...

Still haven’t finished the chicken coop it’s been too cold for me to do much outside, and kind of ran low on cash so hopefully I’ll get it done next month and get some chicken then (maybe)…

The worm farm seems to be doing fine, their eating the scraps I give them and when I check they look active so I’m happy with them, plan on upsizing the project in the spring…

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