Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27, 2015

It was around 4am that thunder woke me up, it was LOUD.! 
Not one to miss out on a thunderstorm I got up and headed out side with dogs in tow, the rain was pouring down and the lightening and thunder amazing. Herc stayed close by pressing into my leg and Abby didn't seem to care she went a few steps away and took a leak on the porch ( better than the carpet ). After a few minutes we all went inside and was heading to bed when I noticed that Abby was heading back into the living room so I followed her and Herc followed me. She went back to the front door so I let her out. She went out to the kennel in the heavy rain and took a dump, for her it was a large dump and I felt pride in the fact that at 9 weeks old she went out in the pouring rain and did her thing instead of doing it on the porch or the bedroom floor… I must be getting old when such a small thing makes me happy.

We all came back in I dried Abby off and we got back in bed, she laid down next to Herc and fell asleep. 

It was 6 something thunder woke me up again and I took the dogs out again and enjoyed the storm for a few more minutes… 

9am the sun is shinning, both dogs are asleep, the chickens are out doing there thing and I'm typing this update, thankful to be alive, able to get out of bed, walk on my own two feet, and counting my blessing…

And Roofus is wondering around the front yard again.

Another day here in the Ozarks…

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