Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 26 2015

I got an alert on my phone that there was a tornado watch for my area but it was too dark to watch tornadoes so I went to bed around 11:00pm I had left the widow open a few inches as there was a nice breeze blowing in and a thunderstorm off in the distance. 
I was a little surprised that around midnight I was awake, the wind was howling though the widow and rain was also blowing in getting the night stand and everything on it wet. I got up, closed the window, cleaned up the water and dried off the radio, a camera lens, my phone, etc… After that I crawled back into bed I slept like a baby.
This morning I took the dogs out, all is calm. The dog bowls which are about six feet under cover of the porch had rain water in them and some of the porch had puddles of water. When I let the chickens out there was a couple of small branches that had blown off the pine tree but that's the only damage I noticed. (Thankfully)
The garden sure got a good watering…

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