Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 5, 2014 – National Doughnut Day

Mostly cloudy day 55 degrees, forecasted low of 42 degrees, 68% humidity, 6 mph wind out of the South Southwest, 0% chance of rain.

Waited for the morning to warm up before going out to work, 40 degrees is a little low for me to go outside to work when I don’t have to…sure wish I had a workshop to use on cool or rainy days. Another project; build workshop! Waited until noon, it was 50 degrees so off I went and worked on the chicken coop. took some pictures this time.

The back and the bottom will be removable for easier cleaning... Need to pick up some more material and paint to finish this project so yet another trip to town.

New fungus coming up in the yard, this stuff in hard. 

My day here in the Ozarks…

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