Thursday, November 6, 2014

November 6, 2014 - National Men Make Dinner Day (Must Cook. No BBQ Allowed! :) – First Thursday in November

“Well, we all make mistakes, dear, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.” - L.M. Montgomery

Sunny day 52 degrees, forecasted low of 30 degrees, 42% humidity, 13 mph wind out of the North Northwest, 0% chance of rain.

Made the long trip to town and picked up more supplies for the chicken coop, came home and got to work, although it was too cold for me at 50 degrees and a 13 mph wind. I really wanted to work on the project so added another sweatshirt and went to work. When I started this project I really didn’t know how I’d build it so I started with the part I had a clear vision of; the top, now I needed a base to sit it on (a foundation) which is where one should start but not me. Had a hard time getting the top on the bottom but I got the two together today, and I’m happy with the way it’s coming together.

 After several hours of working it this windy cool weather I gave up, packed up and went home, well I went in the house and took to a nice long hot shower…

I was talking to Scott (my mail carrier) today about life and life styles and life in general, he mentioned that he saw two large bucks (male deer) standing on the road next to the 37 acres I have on county road 3780. Total coolness…

My day here in the Ozarks…

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