Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014 - National Train Your Brain Day

High 64 degrees, Low 52 degrees, 81% humidity, 10 mph wind out of the south-southwest, 100% chance of thunderstorms…Severe Thunderstorm Warning, Severe Flood Warning. J

Woke up this morning to thunderstorms and it was really dark, thought it was much earlier than it was. At 9:00 am it was still very dark outside but the rain wasn’t much more than a drizzle. Another good day to take it easy…

Feed Herc this morning and this afternoon I noticed that he hadn’t eaten, unusual for him so I went in to get him to eat before his food spoils. I stood there and he wouldn’t eat so I turned the light on because it was dark, he started eating so I walked away, he stopped eating. I walked back and he started eating so I turned the light off, he stopped eating and wouldn’t eat, light back on and he started eating again, who said having a boxer is like having a two year old?

Another day in my life in the Ozarks.

Have some fun today!

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