Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 7, 2014 - National Frappe Day

No rain yesterday but this morning around 2:30 am the thunder woke me up, Herc was scared silly, I got back to sleep for a while and then the weather app on my phone woke me up to let me know that there was a flash flood warning in my area. I wasn’t happy about it but realized that it's a needed service in an area with severe weather. It was pouring down rain with lots of lightning and thunder.

Today – Sunny, 83 degrees, 40% humidity, 8 mph breeze out of the southwest, 0% chance of rain.

Went to town today to pick up a few things at Town and Country, and ALCO.

Worked in the garage for a while organizing. The rest of the day is dedicated to relaxing……

Seems as if the internet is down so don’t know when this post will go active.

This is another day in my life....

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