Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 8, 2014 - National Stop Bullying Day – Second Wednesday in October

Started out Sunny and Clear, late afternoon turned cloudy, 80 degrees, 40% humidity, 30% chance of rain tonight.

Again my internet is broken, called the phone company this morning and talked to a tech we tried to figure it out but I didn’t have a land line phone so couldn’t test the dial tone, so I when to Wagoneer’s and picked one up, we have a dial tone, I called back and their sending a tech out today he’s suppose to be here today, but haven’t seen anyone yet. 

Seems we have become quit dependent on technology, I maybe more than others, I use it to communicate in several ways and I shop online a lot, use it for entertainment, and the information I get from the internet is invaluable.

Have noticed that the first leaves are turning color. My first fall color change in a long, long time, looking forward to it.

 Decided to start building a storm shelter, I going to build a conduit dome and cover it with concrete, ordered a hydraulic press and a small drill press to make the job easier. Will update this blog as the project progresses (pictures included).

Just another day in my life.....

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