Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22, 2014 - National Nut Day

Sunny day 66 degrees, forecasted low of 42 degrees, 59% humidity, 8 mph wind out of the Southeast, 0% chance of rain.

I bought a couple of really good Blunt umbrellas shortly after I moved here, I wanted a place to put them in doors even if they were still wet so I started looking at options and found what I wanted in a stainless steel milk can. After pricing them I decided to look for a used one but even those are expensive, I found one for forty dollars plus shipping, total cost of sixty seven which seemed fair. The problem was it had seen better days but I figured that with some work it would look ok.

After some work I realized that it needed a lot of work, Put the new workbench to work this morning, worked on this project this morning again and it’s about good enough for paint which is the way this is going to end up. The polished can is going to require way too much work and I’m not going to do it, have already spent hours, tried several ways and tools to get it to this point. Another trip to the Home Improvement Center to pick up some paint and this project will be done. Today is a little cool to spray paint but Friday and Saturday are supposed to be warmer. Saturday may be 80 degrees.

The shower repair project turned out really good other than the color match, I’m confident that the areas that were repaired will not leak.

Herc is laying on the floor right in front of me, No Problem.
He's passing gas that REALLY STINKS, Big Problem....

Another Homestead Idea...

Another day in my life here in the Ozarks…

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