Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014 - National Knock-Knock Jokes Day

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” - Oprah Winfrey

Sunny day 48 degrees, forecasted low of 26 degrees, 47% humidity, 17 mph wind out of the North Northwest, 0% chance of rain.

Happy Halloween all you little monsters and gremlins!

In the 40s this morning but not to deterred headed off to town to get the supplies needed for the chicken coop or chicken tractor I can’t decide. I gave Waggoner’s a lot of money and headed home to get started… 

by the time I got home it was cooler and the wind was blowing pretty strong, Herc wanted no part of it and headed for the front door… I knew he was the smarter of the two of us, I tried to hold out but it wasn’t long before I too headed for the front door too, tomorrow is another day and is supposed to be warmer. Mite as well have some lunch…

Went back out this afternoon, but it was too cold... so I just had to relax, retirement is tough.

That's my day here in the Ozarks...

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