Thursday, October 16, 2014

October 16, 2014 - National Dictionary Day

Bright sunny day 72 degrees, forecasted low of 51 degrees, 39% humidity,  10 mph wind out of the South, 0% chance of rain. I’d call it PERFECT….

 Last night Herc had to go out to make a deposit, as I stood there waiting for him I looked up and was blown away, the sky was clear and even with the porch light on you could see millions of stars, and no moon in sight. I went in and got my camera and tripod, started shooting. Herc didn’t like being out there that long in the 51 degrees, but I got a few shots, the camera doesn’t do it justice, I don’t have words to describe how beautiful it was. These shot came right out of the camera without any editing. The red line is an airplane, or maybe it was an UFO….

This morning I moved some stuff out to the shed and some stuff mostly tools from the shed to the garage, after that I went to town and picked up some wood and hardware to build a workbench. Got home and got to work building. My back gave up before I finished but got a good start on it, plan to finish it tomorrow, but if it doesn’t happen I’m not going to worry about it. 

Have a Great Day! and Have some fun today...
A Day in My Life here in the Ozarks.

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