Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 5 2014 - National Do Something Nice Day

74 degrees, 43% humidity, sunny, 14 mph breeze out of the west, 0% chance of rain. Perfection! What a beautiful day here, the sun is bright, the temperature is cool, there is a breeze blowing, what more could I ask for? 

A day with Football (Go Chiefs), rest, some laundry, and house cleaning, and just enjoying life..........

I was asked if that little heater is enough to heat the whole house, the answer is yes. I did close the second bedroom door, but with the temperature outside was 40 degrees last night the house stayed 70 degrees and the heater cycled off for long periods of time. I see they are selling these at the home improvement center and at Alco (like a mini Wal-Mart) here in town. So far I'm very happy with it. 

Another day in my life........ 

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